Tuesday, May 20, 2008

AHAHAHAHA. Found on del.icio.us.

I really, really could have used this a couple months ago, to send to my junk-forwarding uncle and my mom's junk-forwarding friend. Mom's friend tends toward the treacly and religious. The uncle has a friend whose real-estate company actually *purchases* junk links from an internet aggregator and sends it all on to him. He wanted to share.

It was for my mom, of course, but she refuses to touch the computer. 25 pages a day of printed-out internet-humor emails isn't the same as getting it yourself.

Thanks, But No

I am glad to say they've mostly quit when I never replied to the junk. But I got a good laugh out of this, so del.icio.us has already done something good for me.

To be fair, there's internet humor I like. Some of it's absolutely hilarious, like the "relieve your shyness and social phobia -- ask your doctor for Tequila," but I usually get it from people who know me.

1 comment:

Carolnb said...

I really like the slideshow. It makes me want to travel.