Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thing 27 -- Twitter

So I clicked on something in the explanation of Twitter that, from Robin Good's Twitter page, landed me into discussions of how to protect one's online identity. They were of something that I never considered -- not about preserving my privacy and personal information, but keeping people from hijacking my brand. Very important for me personally, I feel. One of them mentioned the Twitter experience that was #Amazonfail. That made me feel all kewl since I know the woman who coined the term, though I don't actually have a Twitter account.

One can keep track of who does what by searching Twitter for terms, if one wants.

So anyway, there's one thing Twitter is good for -- exploding the internets.

During that, from the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books women, I learned the term Googlebomb -- where you get everybody to put a link in their blogs to a page that's been created specifically to promote a particular idea. For instance, they urged everyone to link to their page describing Amazonfail.

Once a certain number of people had linked, that page came up first on a google search of Amazonfail. It has a certain something that I'll probably never have a use for.


Carolnb said...

You got more out of it than I did.

Karen said...

I understand how you feel. Twitter is just another one of those blights on the face of the earth.